Check your eligibility
Enrolled in a full-time academic day course in a recognised Irish University or College?
Any nationality studying in Ireland, an Irish or Northern Irish National studying in Great Britain or an Irish National on Erasmus?
Are you aged between 18-30 at the time of your application or by the 15th May 2025?
(Answered no to any of these? Drop us a message, you may be eligible for another US visa.)
Okay I am eligible - what next?
Make yourself familiar with the rules and regulations and check you have a valid passport.
Review the add-ons and select what options work best for you.
Complete your J1 application, provide details and fill in all your information
Log into your USIT J1 tracking account and upload your J1 documents, proof of student status, and a copy of your valid passport
We’ll call you to complete the mandatory phone interview
Find and get hired by a US employer. Once hired, submit your job offer form for vetting with the sponsor. This can take 4-6 weeks from the date of submission so submit early.
b | You're Hired!Your DS-2019 Work Authorisation papers are requested and sent to you digitally.
c | US EmbassyUSIT will provide a guide so you can book your US embassy appointment. Once you’ve interviewed, your passport will be retuned, usually within 5-7 business days.
d | Pick up your passportPick up your Passport from your local DPD collection point. These are found in cities and towns across the country.
e | OrientationLearn more about your USA sponsor and the next steps for you to take once you arrive in America.
And finally - pack your bagsDon’t forget to pack your phone charger and your best filters!
Search the jobs database for positions available in your desired location. Interview via Skype or at one of our multiple in-person hiring fairs. Submit your job offer and we’ll send it to your US Sponsor for vetting and approval.
b | You're Hired!Your DS-2019 Work Authorisation papers are requested, issued and printed (this can take 2 weeks). Papers are sent from the USA to USIT office and we will organise delivery to you.
c | US EmbassyWe’ll schedule your appointment and let you know your date and time. Once you’ve interviewed, your passport will be retuned, usually within 5-7 business days.
d | Pick up your passportPick up your Passport from your local DPD collection point. These are found in cities and towns across the country
e | OrientationLearn more about your USA sponsor and the next steps for you to take once you arrive in America
And finally - pack your bagsDon’t forget to pack your phone charger and your best filters!
Summer stories
It can be difficult trying to get all the paperwork before you go, but USIT take all the hassle out and keep things smooth. It'll be the best summer of your life for sure!" Áine
No worries - our J1 team are always on hand to answer any queries you might have about a J1 summer.
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© GenTAO Ltd trading as USIT is a company registered in Dublin, Ireland with Registered Company No. 670958 and registered address at 29-31 South William St, Dublin, Ireland, D02 EY96.